Thursday 15 March 2012

Motherly love

Acer have already become a pilot, which was his childhood dream. Now at the age of 21 my mother bought him a toy airplane, as with all my other siblings receive their own personnel toy.

And the reason she did this was; when we were small, she don't have enough money to buy toys and only until we have grown up that she can afford to do this. I still remember one day during my primary school in S.R.K. Dato' Traoh, she bought a secondhand double-decker bus miniature with some of the parts were fixed with cellophane tape as it was already broken. Come to think about that, it must have been hurt for her back then when as a mother, this is the best she can do for her child. And her present action clearly unveil this scars. The most important gift I wish for my mother, is for her to be granted the most beautiful Paradise by His mercy. Hear my prayer oh the Most Gracious, Most Merciful... Amin.

"Jaik ati mak ngenang ktk org, agik itok mak sampe kinek tok.. marek masa ktk org gik kecik, mak sekda duit nak beli mainan ke ktk org.." - Mak


  1. love mak...tq besarkan badiozaman n jadikan dia anak yg soleh...tq mak...:)

  2. Amin, thankyou pembaca setia.. sudilah2 singgah lagi zaujah ya :p
